St. John’s University
Carnesecca Arena Alterations
The alterations were performed during two phases over two summers. The alterations included new bleachers, customized court, upgraded concession area, new ticketing office, branded lobby expansion, new scoreboard, sound system, and lighting for HD broadcasts.
Phase 1: New bleachers & seating for 5,500 people, expanded and upgraded the concession area, installed a customized arena court floor system, cosmetic upgrades to improve the arena experience, relocated the Ticketing Office to provide exterior windows for ticket sales, expanded and altered the lobby branding to portray the history of St. John’s athletics programs, create a bowl effect with the lower seating to orient the crowd noise towards the court.
Phase 2: A new center hung scoreboard and arena sound system was installed, ceiling and lighting upgrades (175 Ft Candles for HD televised broadcasts).
Remaining Phases: Consulting services were provided to develop the expansion and alterations for the balance of the arena valued at $35M to include budget, program, schedule and phasing.
Project Details
A two-phase alteration project
New bleachers & seating for 5,500 people
Installation of a customized arena court floor system
Created bowl effect for in-arena sound
Upgraded concessions, ticket office, branded lobby expansion, new scoreboard and arena sound system, ceiling and lighting upgrades